• Web & Software Development

The Capital Market Case Competition (CMCC) is the first of its kind in Thailand, organized by the Investment Banking Club, FynnCorp Advisory. This project involved the development of web applications for both the frontend and the backoffice, designed to manage frontend data efficiently.

CMCC Thumbnail

Frontend Development

The frontend of the CMCC web application is user-friendly and visually appealing, ensuring that participants can easily navigate and access the information they need. It serves as the platform where the competition is hosted, allowing users to register, create teams, and enter the competition. During the competition, the admin uploads a prompt file (a PDF with problems for the participants to solve). Participating teams can then upload their solution files (PDFs). Each round, the admin selects the winning teams. The competition consists of three rounds in total, culminating in a final round where the finalist is voted on and the winner emerges.

Backoffice Development

The backoffice application is designed to handle the administrative tasks of the competition, such as managing participant data, event scheduling, and communication. It provides a seamless interface for the organizers to manage all aspects of the competition efficiently.

Key Features

The CMCC web application includes several key features to enhance the experience for both participants and organizers:

  • Event Registration: Simplified process for participants to register and manage their profiles.
  • Team Creation: Allows users to create and manage teams for the competition.
  • Prompt and Solution Management: Admins can upload prompt files for participants, and teams can submit their solutions.
  • Round Management: Admins can select winning teams for each round, with a total of three rounds.
  • Final Voting: Enables voting for the finalist, leading to the selection of the winner.
  • Participant Dashboards: Personalized dashboards for participants to access competition details and updates.
  • Resource Management: Centralized repository for competition resources and materials.
  • Data Management: Robust backend system for managing participant data and event logistics.
  • Communication Tools: Integrated tools for organizers to communicate with participants effectively.

Technologies Used

The CMCC project utilized a variety of technologies to build a scalable and efficient web application:

  • Frontend: React.js for building dynamic user interfaces.
  • Backend: Node.js and Express.js for creating a robust backend API.
  • Database: PostgreSQL for reliable and scalable data storage.
  • Deployment: Docker for containerization and deployment.


The Capital Market Case Competition web application is a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of both participants and organizers. It provides a streamlined and efficient platform for managing the competition, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience for everyone involved.

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