
  • Logo & Graphic Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Products & Packaging Design

Baanploypoom Kindergarten has a rich history and a strong educational philosophy aimed at nurturing children's holistic development. In 2023, I was tasked with redesigning their brand identity, including the logo, business card, and website. The goal was to create a minimal, earth-toned, and calm aesthetic that reflects the school's values and serene environment. Here’s a look at the newly redesigned branding for Baanploypoom Kindergarten.

The Logo

Baanploypoom Logo
Baanploypoom Logo Showcase

The new logo is the cornerstone of Baanploypoom's refreshed identity. It embodies simplicity and elegance, using earthy tones that evoke a sense of calm and stability. The design is minimalistic, focusing on clean lines and a natural color palette that aligns with the school's emphasis on holistic and peaceful growth.

Brand Identity

Baanploypoom Colors

Baanploypoom Kindergarten's brand identity is a reflection of its values and philosophy. The colors used in the branding are soft and earthy, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. The use of these colors is consistent throughout the brand, ensuring that the identity remains cohesive and recognizable.

Baanploypoom Typography

The typography used in the branding is modern and clean, reflecting the school's commitment to simplicity and elegance. The use of sans-serif fonts creates a sense of sophistication and professionalism.

Business Card

Baanploypoom Business Card

The business card design follows the minimalistic and earthy theme. It features the new logo prominently, with a layout that is clean and uncluttered. The use of soft earth tones ensures that the card stands out in a subtle yet distinctive manner, reflecting the school’s calm and nurturing environment.

Website Redesign

Home Page

Baanploypoom Web Design 1

The homepage of the new website is designed to welcome visitors with a serene and inviting feel. The use of large, high-quality images of the school environment and activities creates an immediate connection with the viewer. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring that information is accessible and engaging.

Inner Pages

Baanploypoom Web Design 2

The inner pages maintain the calm and minimal design, with a focus on content that is easy to read and visually appealing. The use of whitespace allows the content to breathe, making the website not just a source of information but also a pleasant visual experience.


Photography plays a crucial role in the new branding, capturing the essence of Baanploypoom's environment and activities. The images are carefully selected to reflect the school's serene and nurturing atmosphere, using natural light and earthy tones to create a cohesive visual narrative.


The new branding for Baanploypoom Kindergarten successfully encapsulates the school's philosophy and values through a minimalistic, earth-toned, and calm aesthetic. The redesigned logo, business card, and website create a cohesive and serene visual identity that reflects the nurturing environment of the school. This rebranding effort ensures that Baanploypoom stands out as a place of growth, learning, and tranquility.

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